green/duwamish watershed

In September 2014, King County and the City of Seattle partnered to launch the Our Green/Duwamish (OGD) initiative to develop strategies to strengthen communities and improve air, land, and water conditions in the Green/Duwamish watershed. This initiative was intended to increase coordination of current work in the watershed at the local, state, and federal levels to manage habitat restoration, salmon recovery, flood control, stormwater management, public health, social equity, environmental cleanups, economic development, open space preservation, water quality and more.
Following research and community meetings, more than 30 different stakeholder organizations and agencies convened to collaborate on creating key components of the Green/Duwamish Watershed-Wide Stormwater Management Strategy. Resulting in a vision of stormwater management for the future, identified targets and strategies, and regional stormwater management approaches that support and protect a cleaner, healthier watershed.

The Watershed-Wide Stormwater Management Strategy reflected the first step in engaging effectively together as a single group to explore potential stormwater management actions suitable for watershed-scale implementation. It summarized the purpose, vision, goals, objectives, and strategies for the watershed and outlines several recommendations for the collaborative group to pursue.

our green/duwamish mission

Stakeholders will improved and accelerated watershed-scale stormwater runoff management actions in the Green/Duwamish watershed, collaboratively, with community, jurisdictions, agencies, nonprofits and businesses. Stakeholders managed the quality and quantity of stormwater runoff by:

  • Preserving and restoring receiving waters
  • Securing sustainable funding resources
  • Aligning non-regulatory and regulatory interests
  • Advancing equity, social justice and the economy
  • Prioritizing actions with multiple benefits

To learn more about the mission, watch the video created by the WRIA 9.


Forterra worked collaboratively, with community, jurisdictions, agencies, nonprofits and businesses to improve and accelerate watershed-scale stormwater runoff management actions in the Green/Duwamish watershed. Supporting and enhancing the environment, human health and the economy.



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