legacy giving
Plan for your future and the future of our region.
these lands are our legacy, let's pass it on.
- Gifts of Property
- Retirement Plans
- Designating a Beneficiary
Consider gifting vacation homes, commercial property, or raw land directly to Forterra. Forterra’s expert real estate team can often secure maximum value for your property and provide you with a significant tax deduction, in addition to freeing you of the burden of selling the property on your own.
Another option is providing what’s called a life estate to Forterra, in which you live in your home during your lifetime. After your death, the house and property are gifted to Forterra.
One easy way to support Forterra’s mission is to directly assign your annual IRA distribution to Forterra. If you are over age 70½ in 2022 and would like to designate this years IRA distribution to Forterra, you can contact your financial institution and ask to have your required annual distribution, or RMD, made payable to Forterra. Then, when filing your tax return, designate it as a qualified charitable distribution. You’ll have satisfied your distribution requirement and you won’t have to pay income taxes on that money.
Another option is listing Forterra as the beneficiary of all or part of the balance of your retirement plan, IRA, or life insurance policy. This action may dramatically reduce the amount of estate and income taxes to be paid by your estate.
You can designate Forterra as a beneficiary of your estate. Specify a percentage, name a specific dollar amount or give the remainder of your estate to Forterra after closing costs and financial distributions to family or other beneficiaries.
For your legal documents, Forterra’s full legal name is “Forterra NW” and our IRS Tax ID number is 94-3112461. Forterra has also been known in the past as the King County Land Conservancy and the Cascade Land Conservancy.