With each project we aim to provide sustainable economic opportunities for our rural towns while improving the health of our landscapes, we seek and promote a range of initiatives, including innovative green products, historic reinvestment and enhancing the protection and restoration of unique natural resources. With each project, we seek to make an impact.
Bear Creek
Forterra worked with landowners to stop the spread of knotweed on Bear Creek, improving and enhancing water quality and wildlife habitat while preserving landowner landscape preferences ...
Big Beef Creek
Forterra and Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group (HCSEG) announced in January 2022, the buy, hold and transfer of 50 acres of critical salmon habitat along Big Beef Creek, a tributary to Hood Canal. Conserves in perpetuity the final piece to a 302-acre restoration project along Hood Canal ...
Camp Kilworth
One of the last remaining undeveloped shoreline habitats in Federal Way, with a critical salmon rearing habitat and nearly 30 acres of second-growth high bank forest. It is home to many native plants and animals, such as bald eagles, blue herons and Townsend’s warblers ...
Cedar River
A collaborative partnership of restoration efforts on the Cedar River that supported a healthy system - stabilizing banks, casting shade to keep the river cool for salmon, and providing food and shelter for wildlife ...
Cowiche Creek
In collaboration with partners, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the 4,500 acres of Cowiche Creek is now permanently protected and part of the larger Oak Creek Wildlife Area ...
Cross Laminated Timber
Forterra recognizes potential in CLT and mass timber products and is leading a broad coalition to address the diverse needs of the state’s communities: workforce and residential housing for a growing urban population, employment in rural areas and improved health in public forests through responsible sourcing ...