chehalis basin STRATEGY
Utilizing the best available science to protect and restore critical habitatÂ
river restoration and flood mitigation: a land of abundance

a rural region at the heart of timber country

The Chehalis Basin is a region rich in native wildlife, working lands, tribal and cultural significance that is economically and ecologically vital to the state and region. The Chehalis Basin Strategy is a 10-year partnership of agency, tribal, and independent scientists, private landowners, utility managers, fishers, farmers, and foresters and local leaders who are imagining and examining new paths forward.
a 500-year flood changes everything
These river communities have long endured persistent, damaging floods. Erosion from clearing land along the river and harvesting trees upland have worsened flooding and diminished habitat for aquatic life. In 2007, a 500-year flood struck, cutting Interstate 5 off for several days. In 2016 the Chehalis Basin Board was created to oversee a two-pronged remediation plan: habitat restoration and flood mitigation. Soon after, work started on the habitat restoration component, the Aquatic Species Restoration Plan (ASRP), which is recognized for its extensive data and integration of climate change models.
rebuilding the habitat