green PUYALLUP partnership

The Green Puyallup Partnership is a collaborative effort between the City of Puyallup, Pierce Conservation District, other nonprofits, businesses, and community members. The Partnership’s vision is to restore and maintain natural open spaces that support healthy ecosystems and waterways through community stewardship.

Green Snoqualmie Day Volunteers

Through this program, Green Puyallup partners with local communities to recruit, train and support volunteer stewards to lead forest restoration projects in priority parks. Ultimately, the city aims to build a strong culture of community stewardship, leadership, and partnership to support a healthy urban forest for everyone.

Each city’s individual program relies on a network of individuals, organizations, staff and volunteers. All partners are essential for the success of the project.

building the partnership

Through a dedicated community effort, the Green Puyallup Partnership is working to restore and maintain 354 acres of natural open spaces. Puyallup’s natural open spaces face the same kinds of problems as many urban forests throughout the region – aggressive weeds blanket the understory, climb into trees, and prevent new trees and shrubs from growing. The program start-up process includes:

Green Puyallup 20 Year Plan Map Forterra
  • Assessment of current tree canopy cover city-wide and forest health conditions in parks and natural areas
  • Community outreach and engagement to guide project prioritization and implementation
  • Developing a 20-year plan to share the forest health assessment results and establish goals and strategies for forest restoration and community engagement efforts
  • Implementation of on the ground projects with a volunteer program to organize local community groups to plant trees, remove invasive plant species and meet restoration goals

project overview

Healthy forested parks and greenspaces have the power to strengthen neighborhoods, provide safe access to nature and offer numerous valuable benefits to the environment. 

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what are the benefits of a healthy forest?

Healthy forested parks and greenspaces have the power to strengthen neighborhoods, provide safe access to nature, offer numerous valuable environmental benefits, and play a critical role in supporting salmon and a healthy Puget Sound. Without a coordinated effort to restore and care for our forests, we are at risk of losing many benefits these forests and natural areas provide. 

GCP Benefits Lower Stress
GCP Benefits URban Trees
GCP Benefits respiratory
GCP Benefits Green Space
GcP Trees an Shrubs Benefit
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